
Card image cap
Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, JS

Transform your favorite images into stunning text-based masterpieces. Synascie converts any image into ASCII character art.

Visit Synascie Source code

Created Dec 2022
Last updated Mar 2023

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Machine Learning, Numpy, Pandas, Python

A neural network made to predict final exam scores of students (before exams were conducted xD)

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Created Jul 2023

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Crossword Maker AI

Given a set of words and structure, it will generate a possible crossword.

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Created Aug 2023

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Confused about what to say? This excuse generator will serve you with a lot of excuses

Visit Ultimate-Excuses Source code

Created May 2021
Last updated Aug 2021

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WEPSY Twitter bot
Python, Twitter API

Intelligent twitter bot that retweets everything that I love

View on Twitter Source code

Created Aug 2021
Last updated Oct 2021

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Web speech synthesis and recognition
HTML, CSS, JS, Web speech API

Speech to Text and Text to Speech on a web browser

Visit site Source code

Created Jan 2021
Last updated Feb 2022

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Credit card

Credit card number validation using Luhn's Algorithm in C. Implemented major required built-in C functions by myself for improving skills and logic

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Created Feb 2023

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Astronomy trivia

A cool looking astronomy quiz website made using html, css & javascript for Harvard's CS50x problem set.

Take quiz Source code

Created Dec 2022
Last updated Feb 2023

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VBScript, Batchfile

Steganography made easy. Hide any type of information or files inside images without anyone knowing

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Created Sept 2021
Last updated Nov 2021


Advanced Random Substitution Cipher Encryption program. AdRSCiE is a program that converts any text/code file into a secret code text file with a key. It uses substitution cipher as the base algorithm. You can decrypt the file with and only with the key which was generated during the encryption.

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Created Feb 2023


Secure Cryptographic Seed Modulo and Twirl Hash algorithm. Takes a string and bucket size as argument and returns an index for hash table array. The bucket size should atleast be around 2.22 times the number of words you want to hash to keep the number of collissions at minimum.

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Created Feb 2023

Birthday Paradox

Calculate the probability that at least two people out of n randomly chosen people will share the same birthday. Surprisingly according to the theory, only 23 people are needed to have 50% chance for two of them sharing a same birthday and 72 people to have 99.9% chance. It seems counter intuitive at first but it is in fact, real.

View site Source code & documentation

Created Apr 2022
Last updated May 2022

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HTML, CSS, JS, different APIs

Get your geolocation details with live location on map.

Visit Geo-Locator Source code

Created July 2021
Last updated Aug 2021

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HTML, CSS, JS, Mapbox API, leaflet js

Track International Space Station in real time with stats

Visit beta version Source code

Created Jan 2022

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